Saturday, May 31, 2008


It's been an interesting week and a half. Let's just say that shortly after I posted last I got sick. Ugh. Never a good thing. I was laid out for 4 days, and over a holiday weekend, too. I guess it was my turn, as the boys had all had the stomach flu over the past 2 weeks. I thought with my super (somewhat OCD) hand washing that I'd be able to bypass this one, but alas....
As movement was out of the question, I spent the 4 days (three days longer than any of them!!!) in bed READING! Of course.
I took the opportunity to read Stephenie Meyer's new book The Host. It was pretty good. Didn't like it as much as I liked the Twilight series, or maybe it was just me being sick?
It rained the whole weekend, which was a bummer. Not because I don't like rain, quite the opposite really. I was bummed that I didn't get to enjoy it. I'd have loved to have sat out in it. As it was I had to be happy with smelling that fresh, wet scent through my window and hear the patter against the roof. I'm hoping that wasn't the last we'll get for the summer (months and months of hot summer!)
By Tuesday I was raring to go. Being cooped up doesn't suit. I got busy with putting down shelf paper in my semi-new cupboards. Took me until this morning to get them all done. 16 cupboards, 43 shelves, didn't realize it was that much.... got some cute blue and brown polka dot contact paper. Now I just need to finish painting them. That is the 95% rule in effect there. Just about everything in this house is 95% done. It's that last danged 5%!(did I mention that I ran out of paper with one shelf left!!! That's 95%!) Ahhh well.
The weather this week has been blissfully cool. I think the warmest it got was about 82, but mostly in the low 70's. Gotta love it, cuz it won't last, but a girl can hope.
I've finally convinced Brock that it's ok to walk home now. It used to be that he'd complain the whole way about how long it took and why couldn't I drive. But just Thursday he told me that it was healthy to walk and it saved gas (yeah, he listens!)
I just about had a coronary when I had to fill up the suburban on Wednesday for $4.06 a gallon! ($4.06 x 42 gallon tank = no college fund for the boys!)Will it never end??

I got released on Sunday from the Stake Primary. That was a pleasant surprise. I really loved the calling the first year, but this year was going to require more public speaking and I don't like that, thus the pleasant, but we weren't in for even 2 years, that was the surprise. Hmm... won't think that one too much. Bishop is giving me a short break, we'll let you know tomorrow if its up yet.

I took about an hour today and did a page for the Sprague Challenge (went back to may week 2) Never done a challenge before and posted it. Was I supposed to incorporate all the colors from the swatch??? Well I didn't, but here it is, and it got me to post again so....

I took this picture on Tadhg's field trip to Hearst Castle. Can I say again how much I love the beach! maybe I'll try the 3 panel storyboard photoshop friday lesson from May 2nd for the seaweed? watch for it!

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