Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Whew! O.K. apparently I do not blog unless I scrapbook. Good to know. A connection. Life has been hectic since we got back from our vacation. It was great, glad we went... more on that as I get to my pages. Believe me you'll probably hear about it way more than you want to!:D

I finally found an afternoon to document a "Brock" moment. I wish that I did this a little bit more (alright a lot bit more, and not just for Brock, but for all the boys). Sometimes the things that they do or say are just so darn cute or know!??
So this was one of his latest.

Completely unrelated to my boys, I finally got some "Bek" time. Well, I took it, whether I should have or not. I got a Sony Reader for Mother's Day. (Great present by the way, do they know me or what!!) I was really excited about the $50 credit and then completely stoked when I learned that I could get 100 free (FREE!!!) classics, my favorite. So can you guess what I've been doing....Yup, reading, ALOT! It is officially a sickness, I get into a book and it is very difficult to get me out. I carried that ebook all over. I read while I did my hair, vacuumed the carpet, ate, you get the picture. What was I reading...OHHHhh, yeah.

So I need to back up just a little. I went to Utah for a long weekend to hang with my beautiful, amazing, cool sister, who is no longer a kid, but this incredible career woman (and R.S. Pres! Heehee) I went back for Women's Conference with my mom and my auntie Annie, (career woman had to work :( ) That, by the was was so great, glad I could escape.
As I was perusing Camille's book shelf, looking for new fun stuff to read I saw that she had some of the Twilight books. I'd heard about them from a girl I know (yup Kellie it's you!) and have heard they are good, but I'm not into Sci-Fi and definitely not vampires and werewolves. (Didn't really care about wizards and elves and all that before Harry either, so go figure, maybe I need to expand my horizons, hmmm) Well she, (my cool sis) said they were great as did Katie. Then she said that my mom had borrowed the first, but had yet to read it. So I get home and talk to my mom and she said that she had started Twilight and that it was good, so..... with my $50 I bought the series for my reader. Unfortunately, I had sick kids for a few days and I still needed to finish Mansfield Park, which I'd been reading off and on for a few weeks. Friday I started reading ....I could not put it down!!! I got sucked in so deep. What an amazing author. I can literally feel these character's emotions. I finished the first book on Saturday waited a few hours ( I was feeling guilty...) to start the second. I stayed up real late and read, then woke up and read some more. Had more sick kids, felt guilty again, but had to start book three on Monday. Finished them all on Tuesday. Now I'm anxiously waiting for book 4. Good Grief. Like I need another obsession. Ahh well. Love it though.
Found the web site today and OH goodie.... there's a movie. Whoo-hoo!! And a chapter for a book on Edward. Devoured it. Yup, good. Will be waiting for that one too. Is it crazy to be in love with a fictional vampire? (me and every other 14 year old girl out there!) That was me shaking my head in exasperation.
You know it is really bad when I am willing to stay up late (9 is my normal late!!!) to read, or in this case write, 11:06....insane!


Anonymous said...

It's about time you came back. I've missed your blog.

You may think it's only you and everyother 14 girl that is addicted to the Twilight series but you better include old ladies like me to. Can't wait for the movie(s). A new series for us to ignore on our girlie weekends.

Just wanted you to know I've missed you and your talent.

Love P

Joanie said...

Hey Sweetie,
I had to hear from Auntie P that you'd blogged again. Love this post about all your reading and your amazing sister. Yup, I'm a pretty lucky Mom! Love you.