Tuesday, June 17, 2008


It's finally here! Whoo-hoo! Bring it on. I love it when school is out, sleeping in, swimming every day, long days, hours and hours for projects. This summer should be a good one. I'm taking a new digi class. Started yesterday (Monday). I love getting into the lessons and "growing" my skills.
I finally finished painting my pantry cupboards (thanks dad, couldn't have done it without you!)Just a little touch up and a counter top and we are DONE! (with that project:D)
Brock congraduated (his word) from kindergarten last Wednesday. Funny boy, he was so excited. He was seated in the last row in the middle section and he kept popping up sporadically during the "ceremony" to wave and see if I was taking pictures. He reminded me a few times leading up to the big day that I needed to take A picture of him and then load it up on the computer. I assured him that I would take at least one! He's a big first grader now.

The boys went to cub scout camp today and then again tomorrow. Brock feels all grown up, because he was included this year too. Mr. Tadhg got to go as a counselor. They have all had summer play dates, with lots of friends. Keep them busy and they won't fight.XXX(that's me with my fingers crossed!)
I am fairly unpopular around here now though. After a Wednesday afternoon to Sunday x-box marathon,with subsequent brain rotting, I instituted a 2 hour rule. Each boy is allowed 2 hours x-box/gamecube/computer time each day. I had to amend almost immediately that if there was any arguing with me about that rule that an additional 5 minutes would disappear for each complaint. They have tried to avoid me (and home) since. We'll see if they can get creative with their time.
I had an interesting experience today. I ran a quick errand with a friends daughter(age 15) after I dropped the boys off at day camp. I was talking to the recycle guy (we see each other monthly, and chat, as I recycle) and he asked if Kellie was my daughter. I answered, "Nooo! She's just a girl friend", then the thought hits me.....She could be! Wow, that was weird. Ouch, I'm OLD!!! Then I think of Tadhg starting 7th grade in the fall. Kinda hard to wrap my head around that one too.
Was IM-ing with my mom today as we both worked on our computer related projects. Talking about what was going on in our lives, sharing ideas, funny bits and pictures as needed. I was telling her how I had gotten sucked into a big party for Caden's birthday. (9, oh my!) I told her that he had found an invitation left over from last year, and brought it to me and stated that he wanted invitations just like that this year. I said, "what makes you think you are getting a party?" He looks at me... with his big Gromit eyes, and ...now there's a party. When I mentioned Gromit eyes she brought up the little reach he would do opening and closing his hands when he wanted to be picked up. It always worked. She dug around and found a picture of him doing that reach. Melt my heart! What a sweet baby. Where did he go? those eyes and his little "up" hands.

I got a late start for my first assignment, with painting the cupboards so I sat down today to get busy. I had a really hard time deciding on a picture for the layout. It needed to be horizontal with a part that could be recolored after the rest of the picture was sepia tinted. Everything I came across didn't lend itself to the sepia tinting. Too much going on, not enough contrast, etc. I finally found this photo of the b-day boy from last summers trip to Idaho. It would work. It took the better part of the day, between computer problems, IM-ing and other distractions to get it done. The lesson called for a brush that was no longer available, so I tried a few, but didn't like the results. Mom came to the rescue with a more masculine foliage brush. After a few false starts I found 2 that I liked. After I put them in where I thought they'd fit on the photo I looked at what I'd done. It was interesting that the brush by Caden was young grass and the brush by Dave was an old oak. An analogy perhaps... Whatever it was it, seemed serendipitous.


Joanie said...

Love this post and the pages and photos. Love to hear you think. Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

super layout Bek. I'm still working on my first one. I'm just slow. Love ya P