Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"the cub-mobile"

This is where I come right out and say it.... I could NEVER have planned a cub scout activity this cool. Bros West and Frasier really have this badge down to a science... really. They said they have built and torn down and built this go-cart several times for the cubs over the years and I am sooo glad that they did it for us. This will surely be one of those "scouting highlights" for these boys... they loved the building and they had so much fun racing too. It is still really weird for me when these men look to me to lead them (I have no idea what I am doing!!!) They have so much experience and enthusiasm... I am simply grateful that they are willing to be there and help make this a fun thing for the boys.
Despite the whirlwind that my life has become lately, I did manage to remember the camera today. Honestly, can you imagine NOT documenting a bunch of little boys, power tools and a go-cart with pictures? I didn't think so. I love the looks of concentration on their faces and the way their hands still have a bit of the "baby-ness" to them,( I love baby hands, pudgy sweet!) especially when they are holding huge drills.

After the boys had finished putting the cart together, they were each able to add their name to the "cub-mobile" as proof that they built it.

After a few quick instructions on how to drive... they were out to the parking lot for the test drive.
Can you see the huge smile on Brock's face, behind the helmet? He was in speed induced euphoria.... Caden on the other hand was very cautious.

1 comment:

Joanie said...

I love these ickle-firsties! What darling boys and a big hooray for Bros West and Frasier! Great cubbie activity!