Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm Baaaack!!!

Honestly, I did not plan on painting my bathroom today. I really didn't. It just happened.
What I did plan on was replacing the bathroom light. Our home was built in 1979... need I say more? We have changed just about everything on or in this house since we bought it 9 years ago, but we have left the bathrooms pretty much the way they came to us. I have all sorts of grand plans and huge remodel ideas that will one day come to pass. But, I fear that that "one day" is still several years off, especially with the current state of the economy. :(
As I was wandering aimlessly the other day, when I was in town, I found this light fixture. It caught my eye as being pretty so I looked again and saw that it was called Camille. Well, that did it, now I had to buy it (and I so wanted to get rid of the hideous "hollywood" lighting that was in there!)
So this morning I woke up and decided to change out the light fixture. No big deal... I've installed every light fixture in our house... it will take a half hour...an hour max.
I get everything set up, all the tools I'll need, turn off the power and take down the old ugly light fixture.(good riddance!) I realized as soon as it came down that our bathroom was one of the only rooms WE never painted. I think the whole house had been painted right before we bought it in an effort to spruce it up, in a generic flat off-white. For some reason, unknown even to me now, I left the bathroom walls alone. I painted the cupboards and the closet doors, but left the walls. Anyways...(long story....whew!) I saw that the wall under the horribly dated light fixture was a different color than the rest of the wall, and the new fixture would not hide the old, old paint. Thus, the need to repaint.
No problem, it is still only about 8 am, so I skip out to the shed, grab the half gallon left over from painting the hall (for the 3rd time!) and decide that my bathroom will now be Buckthorn (who picks these paint names anyway?) instead of off-white. By noon I have a nice new light and pretty clean walls. Happy day.

As to the title of this post... I have apparently snapped out of my funk (if you can call it that) and am now ready to take on the world. Or at least a dozen projects around the house. I have been less than excited or motivated to take on any projects, big or small for about the last year. It might be because I completely burned myself out on our garage conversion (which took a whole year of my life!) Don't get me wrong, I have been doing stuff, but I wasn't excited about it or really in the mood. (We still don't even have a counter-top in the pantry. We have beautiful glossy cupboards and trim and molding and a nice floor, but I have just been uninspired to go pick out a counter-top.)
But now...NOW... I am ready. I'm not sure if it is because of the spring weather or being cooped up for weeks staring at all the problems and imperfections that fill my life, but I am fired up and in a fixin' mood.
On a whim I decided to repaint the grout on the kitchen counters. (once again... our house was built in 1979!!!) and I have hated that dark brown grout for 9 years. I would love to take a sledge hammer to the whole kitchen (and I will...one day) but for now I will be content to have white grout. I ran out of paint so I am waiting for more and I'll post pictures when I finish.
I finally found the counter-top I want, now I just need to order and have it installed. I am planning on sanding and staining our patio furniture and making new cushions. I've got the pool in almost summer shape (hasn't stopped the boys, they already swam 4 times last week) At this rate I might build up enough steam to finally get to Tadhg's room. We promised him that once we finished the conversion that his room would be next, and he has waited kind-of patiently. I'll keep you posted.


Sarah E Boucher said...

It is a nice bathroom! Don't clean painted walls make you happy? They just give everything a facelift...I love that.

Joanie said...

And what *cramera* did you take this photo with??? Might I ask?? This is not the Lumix... this is not the Rebel! Is this your new pro-shot? You better be bringing it!

Love your pretty new bathroom!
Love you... see you tomorrow...