Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year! So, okay I'm only 4 days late, but that is about par for this girl's life... I know, I know there has been nothing here for the last 4 months, (or more) what can I say. I'm a busy girl, lots to do. Much more than I thought. I had these rose colored ideas of all this free time I'd have once school started. I wasn't really sure what I'd do during that glorious ME time, but it was coming, I knew it was... It's a good thing I wasn't specific, because not much *free* time was forth coming.
School started like a whirlwind. Brock was thrilled to be back, and for the entire day too! The other two, not so much. I did get the required first day of school pictures, but little else went as planned. There were some teacher/ class assignment issues that had me stressing for...oh, probably the first whole month of school! And I learned a very important lesson (good to know that I CAN still learn :)!!) which was...sometimes I DON'T always know what is best for my kids. Needless to say, the sun still rose and set and life did go on.
Brock ended up in just the exactly "right" place for him. His teacher, Mr. Elliott, is no nonsense and expects a lot out of these 1st graders, and you know what? They can.. and do.
Brock (gotta love that boy!) gave Mr. Elliott and I a run that first month. I have some friends who would ask me "So, what did Brock DO today? I know there has to be a story here!" and then they'd laugh and laugh when I told them about his 'exploits' (no pun intended, but there could have been...) It was one of those situations where you can laugh or you can cry, and they helped me to laugh. Thanks for that!
I had planned to work in class this year...and I got to, sometimes multiple days a week. I know Mr. Elliott was grateful and I really do love to be there. Once the lines were firmly drawn and all the rules fully explained (and a few privileges lost, for a few weeks in a row!) Brock excelled. He loves praise and in October was able to get his first ever Hawk Award! He was so proud, and he told me that now he knew 'how' to get one he'd get lots.
Caden, that little trooper, is so easy going...and forgiving. He just goes with the flow and doesn't complain, even when it's not exactly what he wants (hmmm... lesson there too?) He's been holding out on us! He got a gold honor role the first quarter without even breaking a sweat. He spends his free time reading the encyclopedia (not a joke!) and learning interesting facts about whatever has caught his fancy that day. Can I just tell you I love, LOVE going to parent-teacher conferences for this kid!! He was part of the science club after school and looked forward to each meeting so they could "blow things up!" I must have washed 4 copies of the periodic table, and he'd get a new one, to 'keep in his pocket'.
Tadhg demonstrated exactly how old I was this year by having the nerve to be in the **7th*** grade! You can NOT have a kid in 7th grade and be young. So, I guess I'm OLD. He loves Jr. High. He came home that first week and said, "Mom, school goes by sooo fast now!" He likes having different teachers and classes. He always has been 'on the go', now school can keep up with him! His parent teacher conference was really great. I did have to stop his home room teacher once, just to make sure, that she had the right parent or child.? She said he was a model student! (Yeah, that's where I had to verify..) I made the mistake of bragging to my mom and he found out. Apparently, he doesn't LIKE being a model student! Can you say contrary? Skiing starts this quarter so I'm sure all will be sorted out. He won't want to lose eligibility...come on, skiing or snowboarding every Friday or--- sitting in class...Hmmm.. He's played on the school flag football and basketball teams (he shoots an awesome 3 pointer} and **Yeah** had a growth spurt. He's getting closer to looking me in the eye, and catching up with his friends. I've had to buy new jeans because of his green bean legs. Oh, and he is wicked awesome.


Joanie said...

OK, so after I picked myself up off the floor from a dead faint (ROFL) I really enjoyed reading your blog. I love this personal glimpses... so keep them coming.

Love you lots.

Anonymous said...

WOW! loved reading your personal glimpses and my head is spinning. Oh to be as young and vibrant as you are. Life sure sounds wonderful in flncess land.