Thursday, January 15, 2009

more random conversations

A while ago:

(set the scene) Tadhg eating his after school snack. His mouth stuffed full of food.

Tadhg: "Brock, do you like see food?" (we all know this joke, right?!)
Brock: (completely straight faced) "No, I don't like fish."

We all start laughing so hard, and Brock is staring at us wondering what was so funny. Obviously, he didn't understand the joke, and the best part....It totally took the wind out of Tadhg's sail! Couldn't finish!


For Christmas all the boys got MP3 players.

Brock: "Momma, do you know why I put the headphones in my ears? It's so my heart can hear the music."


Joanie said...

Can I just eat these sweet little boys up??? What funny boys. I can see Caden, totally serious, and Tadhg foiled.

And you know... Brock has it right about headphones and music... watch out what you put in your heart!!

Love those boys so much.


Cindy Garber Iverson said...

That's hilarious!!!! Good for Brock (even though he had no idea what he did).
