Tuesday, January 20, 2009

That Brock boy!

Brock will keep me posting with all the funny things he says....

Today, right before dinner:

Curtis: "Who knows what happened today?"

Boys all together: "We got a new President."

Brock: "Yeah, it's Barackobama." (all one word and really fast)

Me: "Yes, it's Barack Obama."

Tadhg: "Not Brock Obama"

Brock: "Yeah, Barack" (totally sounds like Brock to me)

Tadhg: "Brock, you're the President?"

Brock: "No, I can't be President...I'm not brown."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an observant fella Brock is. I love the conversations. Kids say the darndest things. Art Linkletter had a really good show called that. Brock would be a knock out on that show.

Hugs to your boys. Love Auntie P