Sunday, March 9, 2008

in the beginning....

Okay, it may soon be obvious that I have no idea what I am doing here, but I'll figure it out someday. I am starting this blog spot so I can post the digital pages I am learning with Jessica Sprague in her Up & Running with Photoshop class. My experience with blogs are/is minimal (like I said.. OBVIOUSLY!) so any tips or pointers are welcome. Who reads this anyway?

I guess I can use it like a journal, not that I'm very good at that. I think the last time I wrote in one was hmmm....15 years ago before my life became so ...well....not my own. I'd say I have very little time for journal writing, but I guess it's all just a matter of priorities. I think I'd rather sleep, or read or a bunch of other things, but... then I'd have a really boring blog page so maybe this will be the way for me to be better about documenting my life. Didn't someone say that if you didn't write it down then it didn't really happen? Who knows.

My blog life then starts today.

We were very nearly late for church. I did remember to set my clock ahead, but that didn't mean that the other 4 people in my house were ready to get up at what would have been 6 in the morning to get ready. I think the bishop took pity on us and gave us a 10 minute grace period. Believe it or not we even got to sit on the benches and not the folding chairs in the cultural hall (something I detest.) Hmm. guess we weren't the only ones who were late.

Caden my sweetheart demonstrated his skills with the "ladies" today. As I was leaving I stopped to talk to Cheyenne (a little girl who was in Caden's school class last year) and noticed that she was holding a daffodil. When I got to the car someone (doesn't really matter who, not that I would have paid attention anyway) tattled that Caden had given her a flower and told her she was hot. (nice!) Oh and by the way, mom here's a flower for you too, says Caden. He does know how to charm, doesn't he?? He then informed me that my daffodil was better. It had an orange center and not just plain yellow like Cheyenne's. (glad to see he knows who rates higher, at least for now!)

I was able to take another walk around the neighborhood today. The weather has been so perfect. This really is my favorite time of year. Everything is so GREEN! I wish it could be like this all year round. It was so warm ( and has been for the last week or so) that I even had to water my plants (so soon, surely not yet...we need more rain!) Let's see if I can keep them through the summer.

I'll see if I can post my first 2 digital assignments. More later...

1 comment:

Joanie said...

I love being able to read over your shoulder as you write in your journal. You just keep that attitude and then your children and grandchildren will have something to remember you by. I am looking for the next blog entry and LO.
Love you, Mom