Saturday, March 15, 2008

saturday night

Here I am and it is Saturday night. Sorry, I'm just sitting here at home, boring... I know. Actually, I have spent the last 2 days trying to organize my digital stuff. I didn't realize I had amassed so much. Thank goodness that 95% of it was FREE! Still *WHEW*. Now I can have some real fun.
No new pages, to busy organizing.
Tried a wheat free recipe today. I have had the "fixins" for about a week now, but couldn't muster the energy to make it. I think secretly I was afraid that after all the work my gluten free biscuits would be disgusting! Well they weren't great, but nothing like the biscuits I'm used to. But they were the first bread that I have had in 2 weeks. Maybe that made them taste better. Who knows. I'm not much for cooking normally, but I think this new way of eating will change that. Have to. Maybe I'll break out and dust off my bread machine. You think it will still work after 12 yrs? Sad.

1 comment:

Joanie said...

So glad your gluten free biscuits were edible. Don't forget corn totillas, real corn bread (not Marie's). Lots of good things to eat without wheat. Hope this does the trick.
I'm waiting (patiently) for the next LO.
Love you,