Sunday, January 11, 2009

Quiet? Sunday Evening

It is a tradition in our house to have "quiet time" after church on Sundays and I look forward to it all week. I was worried that with the new year we'd get a new church schedule, and it would "infringe" on my quiet Sunday afternoons. We did get a new schedule, but YEAH it is better than ever. Now, we get to sleep in another hour in the morning and get our quiet afternoon! Except for today. But that was partly my fault. The boys did their time (and that is how they look at it....doing time!) but I never got mine, so it is now after dinner and because they had a rest they are bouncing off the walls! So NOT quiet now. As I was trying to cook dinner it was so chaotic I made them put on sweatshirts and flip flops and go jump on the trampoline until I was finished.

You've got to love dinner conversation. My boys come up with some pretty interesting topics and Brock, wanting to put in his 2 cents worth, says, "MOM, mom, MOM, mom" I look at him and say, "What Brock?" and he looks at me, then his face screws up and you can tell that he's thinking hard, (I'm not entirely sure if he forgot what he wanted to say or if he just wanted to be part of the conversation) and then says, kind of quiet, "never mind." It's so hard for a little (I use that word facetiously!) guy to get heard! Anyway....tonight, for some reason the topic was "man points". I know that some of you know about "man points" and some of you don't so here is a brief description. [With three boys in our house and no girls ( I really wouldn't know what to do with one!) we had to come up with a way to help them deal with disappointment, or fears or hurt feelings, injuries... whatever, so Curtis came up with "man points"] Keep in mind that these are young boys and originally it started out as a joke, but has taken on a life of it's own! Curtis likes to dare, and bet and basically tease... he frequently challenges the boys to do something that they would probably not normally do on their own. Things that now fall into the "manly" category. If you accept the challenge and do... whatever it is you get "man points". In order to earn man points you have to have a "man card". You have to really step up to get a "man card", for Brock it was riding California Screamin' roller coaster at California Adventure when he was just barely 6. For Caden it was jumping off a roof (don't freak out... it was into Curtis' arms and only a few feet at that! after he retrieved a ball) he is afraid of heights. I think Tadhg had to ride Malibu-mer, or something. If they do something exemplary, or handle a situation in a mature manner, or try something outside their comfort zone, they get a man point. (Tadhg got a man point for asking a girl to dance at his school dance... a slow song!) Well, they LOVE getting "man points" and tonight it came up after they had to walk to the trampoline IN THE DARK!!! Of course, and especially with Tadhg, it becomes a competition as to who has the most "man points". He threw out some ridiculous number like 42 and all heck broke loose! So we decided that with the new year the slate was wiped clean. Everyone starts at zero, but they still have their "man cards". So now, they are trying to think of things that they have done since Jan 1 that would get them some points on their card (actual physical cards and points don't exist, mind you!) So, Tadhg decided that he deserved a point for passing the sacrament at church today(very manly, indeed). Caden tried to talk us into awarding one for good behavior in Sunday school, but there was no way to prove it one way or the other :0! Curtis earned one for accepting the call to the Elders Quorum Presidency, and Brock told us that last year he had earned some for getting Hawk Awards and was sure he'd get another soon. After a few minutes of this they all look at me and say, "Mom needs 'woman points'!" I had to laugh. What, exactly, would I have to do to get woman points?? Crying at a movie? Get out a tough laundry stain? Not burn dinner? LOL! But it was nice of them to think of me. Oh, and if you are caught not being manly (being a pansy, or acting like a baby) there's the chance you could LOSE a point. [Brock informed me a month or so ago that he could NOT go see the new Tinkerbell movie because it would make him lose man points! but, if I wanted him to go with me, really bad, it would be okay! Funny boy.]

Saturday I got up early (oh my!) and went to the church in Oakhurst for a Merit Badge Clinic for the Boys Scouts. I was asked to be the Merit Badge Councilor for Genealogy. (I don't understand how scouting's like a foreign language to me, with all the rules and special ways you have to do things, but...) I had about 6 boys show up, including Tadhg, and we went over what they needed to know in order to earn this badge. At one point I looked at these boys and saw the glazed looks on their faces and realized that I had become "that" person. You know, the one who bores you senseless with their enthusiasm for something you think is totally un-interesting! I had to laugh AND then make them promise that they wouldn't just throw away the time lines and interviews that they had to do for this badge, but give it to their moms. Try explaining to a bunch of 12 - 15 year old boys why, 60 years from now, their grand kids will think this piece of paper would seem cool! I KNOW they think I'm crazy :) After I had taught my classes I was sitting and waiting for Tadhg to be done and was talking to our new Bishop. He asked if I would be willing to continue in cub scouts, (everyone was released last week when they re-combined the 2 mountain wards) but this time as the Den Leader, not just the assistant. Panic washed over me. I am fine to help, but be IN charge! Plan! **Cause for stress** So, I run some errands in Oakhurst, one of which was to give blood at the Elks Lodge and come home. Maybe it was the combo of being a pint low and all that adrenaline from stress, but I felt like CRAP. And my mood wasn't much better. This *** is when I realize how thankful I am for good friends who, in talking with them, help me "get over my bad self". Thanks, you know who you are... I decided that I probably needed an attitude adjustment, it is not as bleak as it seems...a laugh, a smile and the world is right again. Thank goodness! How does that saying go?? Fake it, till you make it? Maybe I'll be a good Den Leader after all.


Joanie said...

I laughed at the whole woman points question... love the tough laundry stain!

Honey, do you know how much I love you? Fake it, till you make it??? You will be an excellent Den Leader!

Joanie said...

Just one question?? Does anyone else read your blog? I need to send out the *RED*ALERT*

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your back on your blog. I have missed you. Women points? Just living with 4 boys is enough to put you way over the top in points! Not only that but you are a talented and amazing woman so enough points could never be awarded you.

Love ya,

auntie p

Mom and Dad said...

Yea, Auntie P. She is right!!
Bek, you will love scouts. I had mostly Webelos, then later 11-year-old scouts -- for somewhere between 10-15 yrs, I think. They are so much fun and so curious. You just have to buy a pogo stick for the job so you can be 1/2 inch off the ground taking off as the kids are landing. You will be fine once you learn the rules.
After all, you already KNOW about "man points". Indeed! Thought I would die!
Love ya, dear! Auntie

Erika Graham said...

I enjoy reading your blogs Rebekah. So to answer your moms question...yes there are others who read. I have to admit i laughed to while reading the man point, and then the woman points part to..Good luck as a Den Leader, you will be great!!!